First For Women

Loosen baked-on grime way to skip scrubbing



Rub spots with a sheet of wax paper, says Cathy Alton. Oils in the wax will break down the scuff marks.


this idea!

Rub a clean pencil eraser over the marks, says Wanda Evans. The eraser’s slightly abrasive pumice will gently loosen the residue. The lasagna you served at your dinner party was a hit—but the casserole pan you cooked it in is crusted with some nasty baked-on stuff. Instead of using elbow grease to scrub the pan, try this: Hold the pan upside down a few inches above a pot of boiling water for 5 to 10 seconds. The steam will loosen the tenacious food particles, so you can easily rinse them away. Repeat the steaming process if needed.

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