First For Women

10 brilliant uses for orange peels


Get a fire started—fast!

You love curling up next to the fire on cold winter nights—if only it didn’t take so long to get the flames going. Next time, try this: Let the peels from a few oranges dry out for several hours, then toss them into the fireplace and carefully light them. The oils in citrus peels are flammable and they’ll catch faster than newspaper. You’ll be enjoying your fire in no time!

Evaporate stress in a flash

Soaking in a steamy bath is your favorite way to unwind at the end of a long day. To make your bath even more relaxing, tear up the peels from an orange or two and toss them into the bathwater. The scent of citrus triggers the release of calming brain chemicals, leading to instant ahh.

Freshen smelly shoes by morning

After wearing your heavy winter boots all day to run errands, they smell a bit less than fresh. To eliminate the odor overnight, set a few pieces of orange peel (white side facing down) inside the shoes and let sit until morning. The peel will absorb odor and moisture like a sponge, plus release a pleasant citrusy aroma that will leave your boots smelling sweet.

Polish wooden furniture

You want to give your table a quick shine before guests arrive, but you’re all out of furniture polish. To the rescue: an orange peel! Simply rub the white side of the peel on the table and wipe off with a clean cloth. Oils in the peel moisturize the wood, resulting in a glossy shine.

Whiten teeth for pennies

No need to splurge on pricey whitening kits to brighten your smile. Instead, rub the white part of an orange peel on your teeth for 15 seconds. The peel contains a compound that lifts surface stains from teeth without damaging the enamel. Repeat as often as desired.

Protect a plant from cats

Keep Whiskers from digging in your favorite potted greenery by sprinkling a few orange peels on top of the soil once a week. The scent of citrus is too intense for a cat’s sense of smell, so your sweetie will stay clear.

Uncover radiant, glowing skin

If winter’s dry weather has left your skin looking dull, try this DIY face mask: Grate the peel of an orange and mix it with a bit of the fruit’s juice and 1⁄4 cup of canola oil. Rub the mixture on your face and let sit for 1 minute; rinse. The bits of orange peel gently scrub away dead skin and the oil adds moisture. The result: a healthy glow!

Clump-proof brown sugar

No matter how well you seal the box of brown sugar in your pantry, it always ends up hardening into one big clump that makes it difficult to work with. To prevent this from happening, try placing a slice of orange peel inside the bag of sugar. Natural oils in the peel slowly release moisture, keeping the sugar soft and lump-free— without affecting the flavor. Replace the rind monthly.

Nix soap scum on glassware

While setting the table for a dinner party, you discover that your wineglasse­s are looking cloudy. The save: Fill the sink with warm water and a few orange peels. Let glasses soak for 5 minutes, then rinse with warm water. The citric acid in the peels cuts through soap scum, ensuring your glasses are sparkling by dinner.

Clean kitchen messes with ease

To get your countertop­s gleaming without using harsh chemicals, scrub them with an orange peel (white side facing down). The slightly abrasive peel will scour away grime and its natural oils will degrease surfaces, plus it will leave behind a fresh scent.

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