First For Women

Can this oil heal a yeast infection?



I like the idea of treating my occasional yeast infections with something more natural than OTC creams. So when a friend suggested using essential oil suppositor­ies, I was intrigued. Do they work?


They do. Many women find that suppositor­ies containing antifungal oils resolve their vaginal infections caused by candida yeast. But tea tree is especially effective: A study in Phytothera­py Research revealed that tea tree oil suppositor­ies thwarted the growth of 20 different candida species.

You’ll find the suppositor­ies in drugstores, but you can also make your own. To do: Warm 1 Tbs. of coconut oil in the microwave for 20 seconds, mix in 4 drops of tea tree oil and pour the liquid into one section of an ice cube tray. Let it cool, then cut the cube in two and insert half into your vagina before bed. (A menstrual pad can absorb leakage.)

This method can clear up your infection in three to six days. But if symptoms worsen or irritation develops, stop using and see your doctor, who can suggest other treatments.

QMy left breast has been burning ever since I had the flu last month. Should I be worried?

AAs worrisome as breast pain can be, I suspect yours is due to costochond­ritis, an inflammati­on of the costal cartilage that connects your ribs to your sternum (breastbone). Coughing due to colds, flu and bronchitis can strain this cartilage, causing referred pain that women often describe as a burning sensation in one breast.

Fortunatel­y, the condition usually resolves within a few weeks by avoiding heavy lifting and strenuous exercise (which can aggravate inflammati­on and impede healing) and taking anti-inflammato­ry pain relievers such as aspirin, ibuprofen or naproxen. Applying warm compresses to the breastbone and affected breast can also soothe burning and soreness.

Still, I always advise seeing your doctor to have breast pain evaluated. She can rule out other causes and suggest additional strategies that can speed your recovery.

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