First For Women

Can waiting to “go” cause these cramps?


Q: Yesterday while stuck in traffic, I had to pee—and when I finally did, I felt period-like cramps for three hours. They’ve gone away, but now my pelvic area feels tender. Why?

A: I always advise having unusual pelvic pain evaluated, but the symptoms you describe are normal. The urge to urinate is initiated in the bladder, but pelvic floor muscles help you release urine and hold it back. So clenching those muscles when you have to urinate can lead to spasms and strain, causing inflammati­on and soreness.

To ease your pain, I suggest taking a NSAID like ibuprofen or naproxen and drinking plenty of water since holding urine too long can help bacteria thrive in the bladder area, increasing the risk of a urinary tract infection. Also smart: sipping ginger tea—the spice’s gingerols and shogaols have been shown to fight inflammati­on.

These steps should keep you comfortabl­e until your strained muscles heal. But if symptoms persist after two or three days, see your doctor, who can recommend additional remedies.

Q A friend switched from tampons to reusable menstrual sponges and now she raves about them. Are they worth a try?

A “Menstrual sponges” or “sea sponge tampons,” which are inserted vaginally to absorb menstrual fluid, have been around for years, but I don’t recommend them. Several years ago, research found that some contained sand, dirt and bacteria, including the type that causes toxic shock syndrome, a rare but dangerous condition that occurs when toxins produced by bacteria enter the bloodstrea­m. It’s possible today’s products are cleaner, but there’s no way to know since they don’t undergo FDA testing. Plus, their porous nature makes them hard to sterilize between use, raising infection risk.

If you’re looking for a safe reusable alternativ­e to tampons, opt for a menstrual cup like the Diva Cup (in drugstores). Like sponges, they’re inserted vaginally, but they’re made of silicone, so they won’t harbor bacteria or mold when used as directed.

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