“I make up to $300 a month selling flower essences from my garden”
“I’ve always had a passion for growing flowers and plants, and as a kid, my dad taught me how to plant and tend to our vegetable garden. Several years ago when I was dealing with anxiety and depression, I was looking for natural remedies and the owner of a health-food store mentioned a supplement that contained flower essences, or herbal infusions made from the flowering part of plants. I tried them, and they worked so well for me that I decided to start making them myself and selling them online.
“Getting starting wasn’t difficult, but it took some homework. To learn how to make the essences, I asked the people I purchased them from and did some research on Google. The process required a bit of trial and error, but I figured it out pretty quickly. The flower essences are made from a sun infusion of the petals, which I pick from my own garden, then soak in water and vinegar for several hours. Each flower essence has a specific healing property—like borage, which is used to relieve stress, lift your mood and give you a boost of energy. To get the benefits, you can add the essences to a bath or rub them on pulse points.
“I designed my website (WhiteRayFlowerElixirs.com), the logo and the packaging myself, and I purchase the bottles on Amazon. To market my business, I use my e-newsletter and social media.
“Selling flower essences is so rewarding because I get to spend time in my garden making something that helps other people. The money I make—up to $300 a month—pays for more flowers and vacations to Costa Rica and Ireland!”