First For Women

High cholestero­l


Brings on deep sleep: Scented soaks

You’re smart to use sleeping pills sparingly, because the more often you take them, the less effective they can become, say Canadian scientists. A better bet: Pour 2 cups of Epsom salts and 10 drops of lavender essential oil into the tub and soak for 20 minutes. According to British researcher­s, lavender increases the production of sleep-inducing brain waves, and magnesium-rich Epsom salts relax muscles, tripling your chances of drifting off quickly and helping you sleep soundly.

Slashes cholestero­l: Bergamot

“Statins lower cholestero­l, but whether they improve health is up for debate since they can cause pain, memory loss, fatigue and liver irritation,” says Dr. Weil. The good news? Studies suggest that taking 500 to 1,000 mg of bergamot extract daily can trim up to 87 points off cholestero­l in a month—a bigger drop than statins offer. The credit goes to the fruit’s flavonoids, which heal the liver to control cholestero­l output. Of course, talk to your doctor before you stop taking any prescripti­ons.

Boosts mood: A fish dish

The number of women on antidepres­sants has quadrupled since the ’90s, and while the meds can be lifesaving for severe depression, “they’re no better than placebos for moderate depression, plus they can cause weight gain, loss of sexual desire and bone thinning,” says

Dr. Weil. Instead, aim to eat 16 oz. of fish weekly. Yale scientists say fish’s omega3s and the amino acid L-phenylalan­ine boosts serotonin to improve depression for 80 percent of women.

Steadies blood sugar: A daily stroll

When insulin levels rise and bloodsugar control drops, the result is prediabete­s, a condition plaguing 54 million of us, says the CDC. The drug metformin has been the go-to Rx, but a 10-year government study suggests exercise is a far better option. In the study, metformin cut diabetes risk by 31 percent, but 30 minutes of daily exercise paired with a healthy diet reduced risk by 58 percent! Why? Exercise switches on enzymes that help muscles burn glucose to steady blood sugar.

Lowers blood pressure: This oil

BP meds trigger dry mouth and muscle weakness, and they don’t prevent heart attacks any better than placebos for mild or moderate hypertensi­on (up to 159/99 mm/Hg) Dr. Weil’s advice: “Unless your pressure is over 180/100, or associated with organ damage, try reducing it using diet and lifestyle changes.” A starting point: sesame oil. Research in the Journal of Medicinal Food found consuming 1 oz. a day can lower BP by 22 points in two months.

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