First For Women

Secrets to sandal-ready feet

Finally! The sun is shining and we can kick off our thick socks and heavy boots. But after months of being covered up, our feet need a little TLC. Here, podiatrist Suzanne Levine, D.P.M., recommends nutrient-rich soaks to get feet looking and feeling fabu


Toenail fungus?

Fungus thrives in damp, dark conditions (thanks closed-toe footwear!) and enters nails through tiny cracks. It first shows up as white spots on the nail, then turns the nail yellow and thick if left untreated. To the rescue: tea tree oil, a natural antifungal proven to be as effective as topical antifungal cream. To do: Fill a large basin with 8 cups of warm water, 5 drops of tea tree oil and

1⁄ cup of Epsom salts. Soak feet for


15 minutes; dry skin well. Done three times a week, this can cure a mild case within eight weeks; a more advanced infection may require three to six months.


Repeated friction on sensitive areas of the feet causes skin to form a hard, protective layer. And while a pumice stone can help, the harsh scrubbing can be painful. Dr. Levine’s painfree advice? Soak feet in apple cider vinegar. Its acetic acid breaks down the protein that binds dead skin cells together, softening hardened spots and allowing for skin cell renewal.

To do: Fill a basin with 4 cups each of warm water and cider vinegar; soak feet for 15 minutes. Next, slough off loosened skin with a soft sponge (like Spongellé Pedi-Buffer,

Cracked heels?

The skin on our heels doesn’t produce oil, so it can easily get dry, hard and prone to cracking, says Dr. Levine.

For ultra heel hydration, she suggests an oatmeal and honey soak. Honey is a natural humectant that draws moisture into the parched skin while oatmeal’s beta-glucans improve skin’s ability to retain that moisture, so heels stay hydrated longer. Plus, oatmeal’s anti-inflammato­ry properties work to relieve any irritation caused by the painful cracks.

To do: Fill the foot of an old (clean) pair of panty hose with 1 cup of oldfashion­ed oatmeal. Place this homemade sachet in a large basin filled with a mix of 8 cups of warm water and 1⁄ cup of honey. Soak feet for


15 minutes. To heal cracked areas even faster, follow up the soak with a gentle exfoliatin­g scrub. Simply mix 1⁄ cup of

2 oatmeal with 1⁄ cup of honey and massage

2 onto the balls and heels of moistened feet for 1 minute. Repeat nightly for smooth pain-free feet in one week.

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