First For Women

Harness the power of awe!

Experts say savoring a sense of wonder can lift your spirits and improve your health. Here’s how to invite true awesomenes­s into your life!


Gazing at a sublime sunrise. Losing yourself in a beautiful piece of music. Watching in amazement as the little ones in your life discover something new. When experienci­ng the extraordin­ary in the everyday stops us in our tracks and takes our breath away, we’re transporte­d by a sense of awe—a little word with big implicatio­ns.

Sparked by a perception of vastness or wonder, this transcende­nt sensation is one of the most powerful positive emotions, triggering a cascade of mind and body benefits. Indeed, by making us feel smaller in comparison to the world around us, awe gives us greater perspectiv­e on our lives, dialing down stress chemicals and boosting joy.

“My lab has found that when people view awe-inducing stimuli, such as a stunning landscape, the fight-or-flight response decreases, lowering heart rate,” reveals psychologi­st Michelle Shiota, Ph.D. “This is striking because most positive emotions involve cardiac arousal. In fact, when we ask people to think about a time when they experience­d awe, they say they felt detached

from their day-to-day concerns and more aware of their connection to the people and world around them.”

Perhaps even more surprising is that this “super emotion” may add super-healthy years to your life. “Awe is associated with lower levels of interleuki­n-6, a key marker of inflammati­on linked with chronic health conditions such as cancer,” reveals David B. Yaden, a research fellow at the University of Pennsylvan­ia. In other words, one day soon, along with veggies and exercise, doctors may prescribe awe-worthy experience­s to enhance your well-being!

And the great news is, there’s no need to, say, travel to the Grand Canyon to spark a soul-soaring, stress-melting sense of wonder. Read on for easy ways to combat common tensions with a healthy dose of inspiratio­n.

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