First For Women

3 minutes to swimsuit beautiful!

Trim inches and blast fat fast with this quick and effective total body workout from celebrity trainer Holly Davidson


THIGH TRIMMER: Side-lunge knee raise

“Side lunges tackle both your inner and outer thighs,” explains Davidson, which will help eliminate saddlebags and chub rub. “The balance also challenges your stability to tone your middle.”

TO DO: Start with your feet together. Take a big step to the left and bend your knee, keeping your right leg straight and heels on the ground. Push off your left foot to bring your knee up in front of you, then step back out. Continue for 30 seconds, then switch sides.


Toe taps and mountain climbers

“The plank is the king of core strengthen­ing, and this upgraded variation will also work your glutes and arms,” cheers Davidson. Indeed, adding leg movements further engages the obliques and the tush to sculpt an enviable hourglass silhouette.

TO DO: Start in a plank with your shoulders over your wrists. Tap your right foot out to the side, bring it in, tap your left foot out. Then bring your right knee to your chest, return to start, bring your left knee in. Continue pattern for 30 seconds.


Single-leg balance

Maintainin­g stability in this balance exercise will quickly shrink a belly bulge, says Davidson.

TO DO: Stand with your feet together and knees slightly bent. Hinge over at your hips, letting your left leg float back behind you. Raise your torso and bring your knee up (hold for a moment). Continue for 30 seconds, then switch sides.

TUSH TONER: Narrow to wide squat

“Squat jumps tone the largest muscle groups in your body—the glutes, hamstrings and thighs—and they promise to get your heart rate up,” says Davidson of this calorie-blasting combo move. The payoff: A round, perky backside you’ll be dying to show off in your swimsuit.

TO DO: Stand with your feet together and bend your knees as far as you can into a squat without separating your knees or your heels coming off the ground. Keeping your knees bent, jump your feet apart to a wide squat, tapping the ground with your hands if you can, then jump back in. Continue for 30 seconds.

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