First For Women

10 brilliant uses for soap slivers


Deodorize smelly shoes overnight

An easy way to freshen stinky sneakers: Place scented soap slivers inside a coffee filter and use a rubber band to tie closed. Slide the sachet as far into the shoe as possible and leave in overnight. Repeat with another filter and soap for the other sneaker. The pleasant aroma of the soap will help mask the odor, ensuring shoes smell sweet by morning!

Tame wayward eyebrows

You wake up feeling refreshed after a peaceful night of sleep, but your wayward eyebrows tell another story! To control them, rub an eyebrow brush or your finger over a damp soap sliver. Then brush through brows. The waxy soap will keep the hairs in place for a flawless look all day long.

Soothe an itchy insect bite

You set a citronella candle on the table to keep mosquitos away from your al fresco dinner party, but you still ended up with a few bites. To relieve the itching, gently rub dry soap slivers over the bites. The sodium hydroxide in the soap will soak into the skin and dry out the affected area, nixing the urge to scratch. Repeat as needed if itching persists.

Banish stains for pennies

Instead of buying pricey stain removers to remove unwanted marks on clothing, try this: Fill a small jar halfway with soap slivers and top off with hot water. Wait three minutes and stir until the soap dissolves. Store the jar in the laundry room and work the “jelly” into stains before washing the garments. The mixture will lift and suspend stain molecules so they come out in the wash.

Keep pets away from cords

On rainy days when Buster can’t play outside, he often chews on electrical cords out of boredom. To break the habit, rub soap slivers over the wires. Once your pup tastes the bitter coating, he’ll change his mind about using your cords as a chew toy.

Easily fix a hair-dye oops

The at-home dye you bought turned out to be a bit darker than you wanted. The save: Use slivers of soap to wash your hair during your next shower instead of shampoo. Soap contains stronger detergents than clarifying shampoo, so it will safely strip your hair of the excess dye in a blink.

Unstick a stubborn zipper

Argh! After returning home from your after-dinner walk, you can’t seem to get your jacket unzipped.

The save: Rub a soap sliver along the zipper’s teeth. The slippery soap will help lubricate the metal so you can slide the zipper down without a hitch. Problem solved!

Protect clothing from moths

As you put away the last of your coldweathe­r clothing in storage, skip the stinky mothballs and try this: Place a handful of soap slivers in a paper bag, poke a few holes in the sack and staple it closed. Slip the whole bag inside the container where you store your clothes. Soap emits a strong odor that moths dislike, so they’ll stay away, and your clothes will be in perfect condition when it’s time to pull your sweaters out again!

Prevent nails from getting dirty

You love tending your garden, but you could do without the layer of grime and soil that gets stuck under your nails! To avoid this, scrape your nails along a soap sliver before you head outside. The waxy soap will get lodged underneath nail beds, so there’s no room for dirt to enter. Then when its time to wash your hands, the soap will make cleaning a breeze.

Pest-proof garden plants

Pesky critters big and small have been making a meal out of your garden, and nothing you try is keeping them away. The solution: Scatter soap slivers on and around the plants that are targeted the most. When animals smell the soap, they’ll think people are nearby and decide to head elsewhere for their meal.

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