First For Women

Headaches, GI ugh


TAMES TIREDNESS: Colorful blooms

Tulips, hyacinths, snapdragon­s…some of our favorite flowers are in full bloom right now, and researcher­s at Britain’s University of Essex say taking two minutes twice daily to gaze at their beautiful colors and shapes instantly boosts energy levels and mood by 35% for eight out of 10 women studied. The reason? Gazing at the bright colors kick-starts your brain’s production of energizing, mood-boosting beta waves—plus, it stimulates your cerebral cortex (the brain region that helps you feel focused, clearheade­d and sharp).


The temperatur­e is rising, days are lengthenin­g and (ugh!) the season’s first crop of mosquitoes is making its debut. Thankfully, clove essential oil repels these pests for up to four hours—matching, and even outperform­ing, many DEET-containing bug repellents, say University of Wisconsin at Madison researcher­s. To do: Before heading outside, mix 3 drops of clove oil into 2 tsp. of a carrier oil or unscented lotion and apply to biteprone areas (neck, wrists and ankles), or dab fullstreng­th clove oil onto socks and shirtsleev­es.

STOPS GI WOES: This probiotic

Warm-weather treats, eating on the go and abrupt diet changes while traveling double your risk of indigestio­n. But French researcher­s say taking one daily capsule of Saccharomy­ces boulardii, a healthy probiotic yeast found naturally in the lining of your GI tract, can reduce your risk of tummy upset by 75%, plus cut your recovery time in half if you do get queasy. One to try: Florastor (available at drugstores).

REVERSES SKIN AGING: Pomegranat­e seeds

These sweet-tart treats are nature’s number-one source of ellagic acid—a healing, anti-inflammato­ry compound and powerful natural sunscreen that halts skin aging, repairs skin-smoothing elastin and collagen, pumps up UV protection and speeds sunburn healing, UCLA researcher­s say. The study-proven dose: Just 1⁄3 cup of pomegranat­e seeds, or 2 oz. of their juice, daily. Starting this habit now can boost your sun protection for the entire summer!


Summer brings a 36% rise in the risk of headaches (blame the physiologi­cal strain of adapting to rising temperatur­es and bright sunlight). But getting 40 minutes of gentle exercise three times weekly— ideally, after dinner or early in the morning, when the sun isn’t as intense—prevents seasonal headache flares as effectivel­y as prescripti­on pain meds, say Swedish scientists. That’s because exercise—even gentle strolls— prods your brain to release powerful natural painkiller­s called endorphins.

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