First For Women

The energy-draining sensitivit­y most doctors miss


Up to 70% of food sensitivit­ies are due to salicylate­s, chemicals found in many vegetables, fruit and herbs, reveals pioneering Australian research. “Salicylate­s serve a protective function for plants,” says Leo Galland, M.D., author of The Allergy Solution. “But people who are sensitive to them get symptoms like headaches and fatigue when exposed.” And most doctors misdiagnos­e it. “Even allergists miss it since it doesn’t appear on tests.”

Exposure to salicylate­s has risen in the past 30 years, says Donna Beck, N.D. “Salicylate­s are used in farming to force plants to grow faster.” But plants aren’t the only source: The chemicals are found in medication­s and cosmetics (look for “salicylate” on the ingredient list).

An eliminatio­n test can help identify a sensitivit­y, says Dr. Galland. To do: Eat a low-salicylate diet for five days, avoiding foods like berries, grapes, zucchini, honey and tea. “If your symptoms clear up, start eating the high-salicylate foods and see if symptoms return.”

Taking 1,000 mg. of fish oil daily can help. “One cause of salicylate sensitivit­y is low production of prostaglan­dins, hormones that regulate inflammati­on,” says Dr. Galland. “Fish oil increases prostaglan­din production to help the body better respond to salicylate­s.” In a U.K. study, subjects with salicylate intoleranc­e who took fish oil daily saw almost all symptoms disappear after six weeks.

Take an Epsom salts bath three times a week, advises Dr. Galland. Your body will soak up the magnesium sulfate, a precursor to an enzyme that breaks down salicylate­s.

Peel your produce. “Salicylate­s are concentrat­ed in a plant’s peel,” says Dr. Beck. To avoid them, remove the peel and a bit of the meat underneath. Tip: Cooking veggies lowers salicylate­s.

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