First For Women

4 stories that will warm your heart

Healing piece by piece

- —Sue Qi, 58, Aberdeen, MS

“Aunt Erna greeted me at her door. ‘I’ve got it all set up,’ she smiled. ‘As my mom always said, when life goes to pieces, you need to do a puzzle.’

“Her silly saying never made much sense, especially now. After being laid off, I’d fallen behind on my mortgage and was overwhelme­d with worry. I needed advice…but Aunt Erna just wanted us to sit and do a jigsaw puzzle.

“After an hour of slowly putting together a farm scene, I finally asked, ‘Why did Grandma teach you to do a puzzle when life gets tough?’ “She grinned. ‘When troubles happen, we often can’t solve them all at once,’ she explained. ‘But, piece by piece, we can slowly put things back together.

And one day, we can see the whole beautiful picture.’

“Something shifted inside me as I realized that my life would be lovely again one day. I gave Aunt Erna a grateful hug and said, ‘Thank you for helping me piece things back together.’”

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