First For Women




Curbs hunger pangs

Researcher­s reporting in The

Journal of Clinical Endocrinol­ogy & Metabolism revealed that plant compounds in soy protein reduced the output of the hunger-stimulatin­g hormone ghrelin by 62%, which helped subjects cut their daily caloric intake by up to 55%. Important:

Opt for tofu labeled “non-GMO” to sidestep GMO soy, which has been linked to chronic health problems.


Eases hormonal stress

Researcher­s at the University of Delaware in Newark found that the phytoestro­gen abundant in tofu helps steady the hormonal flux associated with menopause, reducing the frequency and severity of menopausal symptoms such as fatigue, mood swings and hot flashes by up to 26%.


Boosts focus

High levels of an amino acid in tofu called phenylalan­ine stimulates the production of the energizing brain chemical dopamine. Researcher­s at Harvard University report that raising dopamine levels can increase alertness and focus by 40%.

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