First For Women

Easy celery juice how-to


To make one healing glass of celery juice, you need one whole bunch of celery. When you’re ready to make juice, break apart the stalks and rinse. In a juicer… Run celery through a juicer. For best results, William suggests using a masticatin­g juicer, which breaks down produce more efficientl­y, yielding more juice. With this type of juicer, you can prepare the juice before bed and it’ll stay fresh overnight. (If the juice develops a film on top, skim it off before drinking.) A juicer William likes: Aicok Slow Masticatin­g Juicer ($88,

In a blender… Chop the celery into 1" pieces, place in a high-speed blender and blend until smooth. Do not add water. Strain the juice, using cheeseclot­h to remove the pulp, which creates a barrier between the juice and the stomach lining.

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