First For Women

10 brilliant uses for hairspray


1 Help dry painted nails faster

The at-home manicure you gave yourself looks gorgeous, but you don’t have as much time to let the polish dry as you had thought. The quick save: Hold a can of hairspray 6–8 inches away from nails and spritz thoroughly. The aerosol will help speed up drying time, plus cover the nails in a protective coating to ward off any future cracks or chipping.

2 Keep curtains dust-free

If you find you’re constantly removing dirt and dust from the bottom of your drapes, try applying a few coats of hairspray to the hem of each curtain. Once it dries, the spray will create a barrier that will prevent dust from clinging to the fabric. Just be sure to spot-test first.

3 Banish stubborn clothing static

You can’t wait to wear your new dress to your niece’s bridal shower. The only problem? The bottom won’t lie flat against your legs thanks to static! To the rescue: Simply give the inside of the garment near the hem a quick spritz of hairspray. The alcohol in the spray works to neutralize the charge, so you’ll be dressed to impress all day long.

4 De-fur furniture in a flash

Peanut usually spends his days snoozing in his doggy bed, but lately he’s made the couch his new nap spot, and now the cushions are covered in fur. To remove it, spray a generous amount of hairspray onto a clean cloth and use it to dab at the loose hairs. Any fur will cling to the sticky-wet spray so you can discard it. Just be sure to test in an inconspicu­ous spot on the cushion first.

5 Nix price-tag residue fast

After peeling the price sticker off the back of the new plates you snagged on sale, there’s still a sticky residue left behind. To remove it, coat the spot with a layer of hairspray and let it sit for 10 minutes. The alcohol in the spray will dissolve the sticky gunk, making it a cinch to wipe off with a wet cloth.

6 Easily thread a needle

Argh! You want to get a jump-start on the new pillow cover you’re sewing but can’t seem to get the needle threaded. Avoid frustratio­n by spritzing a bit of hairspray on the thread’s tip. This will stiffen it so it will pass through the needle’s eye in the first shot.

7 Stop a screw from loosening

Lately the knob on your dresser drawers keeps falling off, no matter how many times you tighten it. To fix it, simply tighten the screw as much as you can, then cover the head of the screw with a generous coat of hairspray. Once the spray dries, it will create a polymer seal that will help hold the hardware (and your knob) in place. Problem solved!

8 Keep shoelaces securely tied

Whenever you take the little one in your life to the park, she repeatedly has to stop to re-tie her shoe during a game of tag. Until her tying skills improve, try this: Tie the shoes as usual, then spritz the laces with hairspray. The spray will stiffen the material and hold the laces in place so her shoes stay securely on until it’s time to head home.

9 Add glitter to homemade cards

You’re hoping to jazz up a homemade birthday card with some glitter but discover you’re all out of clear glue. The save: hairspray! Simply spray a coating on the card where you plan on adding glitter, sprinkle some on immediatel­y, then shake off excess. The sticky substance will hold the glitter just as well as a layer of glue. Then add an extra coat of hair spray to seal the glitter in place.

10 Preserve colorful autumn leaves

The autumn wreath you made for your front door could use a little pizzazz, so you decide to add real leaves instead of silk ones from the craft store. To preserve them for the project, gather as many leaves as desired, pat them dry with a towel or cloth until all of the moisture is gone, then cover them in hairspray on both sides. Not only will this quickly dry the leaves, it will help stiffen them so they stay in perfect condition once added to your display.

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