First For Women

M.D.’s keys to reverse aging

Frank Lipman, M.D., shares the six most powerful—and shockingly simple—steps you can take to feel happy, vital and strong for decades to come


To hear some people tell it, gaining weight, feeling exhausted and catching every cold are normal parts of aging. But Frank Lipman, M.D., author of The New Rules of Aging Well, begs to differ. “All of these problems—losing mental sharpness, looking puffy, feeling lousy—are absolutely not a given: They’re a call to action,” he encourages. Even if you’ve been under stress or eaten a less-than-healthy diet (hello, holiday season!), it’s easy to repair the damage, he promises. “Once I made a few changes in my lifestyle, I quickly saw results. These days, I’m often mistaken for someone decades younger.” All it takes is a few simple tweaks to have a dramatic impact on how you feel now and for years to come.

Mushrooms are loaded with compounds that support immunity and energy. That’s why Dr. Lipman suggests sipping chaga mushroom tea daily. “It’s delicious,” he says. “And it’s been shown to prime the immune system and help prevent the onset of Alzheimer’s.” One study also found that chaga revs energy by 35%. A brand to try: Buddha Teas Chaga Tea (

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