First For Women

Doc on call


I’ve been stressed about COVID for months, and lately I haven’t been able to fall asleep at night. What can I do to sleep better?

Q: I usually eat at least 35 grams of fiber each day, but I’ve been backed up recently. Shouldn’t the fiber be keeping me regular?

A: Good for you for making sure you’re getting enough fiber! As many as 95% of us don’t. You’re right that fiber typically keeps you regular, but soluble fiber (in oats, rice and some fruit) slows digestion and can lead to constipati­on if you consume too much. Dialing back to 25 grams of fiber daily should ease symptoms in a few days and keep you regular.

Until then, I suggest drinking senna tea. Extracts in the brew mildly irritate the colon to encourage bowels to move. You can sip it before bed since the tea is caffeine-free and takes 6 to 12 hours to work. But this is a short-term solution; drink no more than one mug a day for up to a week. Also, stay hydrated and eat foods with prebiotics and probiotics (like yogurt and pickles), which stimulate the GI tract. But if you’re still constipate­d after trying these strategies, see your doctor for targeted treatment.

You’re not alone! Many people have reported “coronasomn­ia,” or trouble sleeping during the pandemic due to stress. The good news is that I can suggest a few easy strategies to help you fall—and stay—asleep.

First, taking a hot shower or bath an hour before bed can help you drift off 36% faster, say researcher­s at the University of Texas. Not only will this help you relax and reduce stress, it also raises your internal body temperatur­e to steepen the natural temperatur­e drop that helps trigger sleep. Also smart: Consider using a gardenia-scented soap while you bathe or rubbing on a gardeniasc­ented lotion. Research in the Journal of Biological Chemistry found that compounds in gardenia spur the release of GABA, a calming brain chemical that helps you doze off as effectivel­y as prescripti­on sleep medication.

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