First For Women

How can I nix these embarrassi­ng hairs?



Lately I’ve noticed wiry hairs growing around my nipples. I’m 50 and worried that something is off since it’s never happened before.


Rest assured, I see this often. Many women experience new hair growth around the time of menopause, when estrogen levels are falling faster than androgen levels, resulting in an increased ratio of androgen to estrogen. For some women, this interplay of hormones can promote hair growth on the upper lip, chin, cheeks or chest. The hair can grow like peach fuzz or it can be dark and coarse.

Removing hair from the skin of the areola isn’t different from removing it on any other part of your body: You can tweeze, trim with nail scissors, shave, buzz with an electric razor, wax or even laser. Since the hair will likely grow back, experiment to see which method works best. But if this hair is truly bothersome, you can talk to your doctor about other treatments that may help reduce growth, but it should stop as your hormones level off further into menopause.

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