First For Women


with a patriotic bouquet



This Memorial Day, florists are prettying up plain picnic tables with rustic yet refined “standing” bouquets in patriotic hues. “Here, a medley of bright wildflower­s in a red, white and blue–inspired palette combine for a from-the-meadow look,” says designer Cathy Herrold, owner of Graci’s Flowers and Gifts in Pennsylvan­ia. “And the grassy ‘vase’ adds a layer of textural interest. It’s a beautiful way to honor the holiday!”


Fill a 6"-tall vase halfway with water. Cut two handfuls each of poppies, meadow sage, cow parsley and pennycress to 10". Arrange stems in one hand, twirling the bunch as you add flowers in a random fashion; secure with twine. Insert into the vase. Slip a rubber band around the vase and tuck grass snippets under the band until the vase is covered. Tie ribbon around the vase to cover the band.


Poppies contain a milky sap that can leak out and taint the water, causing the flowers in your vase to wilt prematurel­y. To prevent leaks and extend the life of your bouquet, try this easy florist trick: After snipping the poppies, dip the stem ends into boiling water for 10 seconds before arranging. The hot water will sear the stem ends, ensuring that the milky sap doesn’t ooze out into the water.

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