First For Women

4 stories that will warm your heart


“For the most part, I enjoy the laughter and commotion of the children who play outside on my cul-de-sac, but as for the toys and things scattered all over…not so much.

“I was leaving home to go back to the office after lunch, but as I backed my car out, I spotted a bunch of bikes at the foot of my driveway. Seething, I got out to round up the little bandits, but suddenly I heard a shrill beeping coming from inside my house. I dashed in and discovered it was my smoke alarm set off by the frying pan I’d left on a hot burner. I’d forgotten to turn it off after making grilled cheese.

“Once I got everything under control, I returned to my car and saw the kids mounting their bikes. ‘Sorry,’ one girl called out.

“I smiled and gave a friendly wave. ‘It’s quite okay,’ I responded. ‘Quite okay, indeed!’”

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