First For Women

Can nutrients lower blood pressure?


Q: I just turned 45 and was surprised when my doctor told me I have high blood pressure. She suggested I take hypertensi­on drugs, but I’d prefer something natural. I’ve already cut back on salt, but are there any foods or nutrients that can help reduce my numbers?

A: You’re not alone! More than half of Americans have high blood pressure, which can start to creep up in our 40s. The good news is that a couple of daily add-ins can help get your levels in the safety zone.

(1) Boost your omega-3s. Research published in the American Journal of Hypertensi­on found that taking 2,000 mg. a day of the fatty acids works as well as lifestyle interventi­ons like exercise, reducing sodium and cutting alcohol to keep blood pressure healthy—an effect strong enough to reduce the need for medication­s. We recommend our Origin Omega (CaltonNutr­

(2) Enjoy a cup of blueberrie­s (fresh or frozen). Researcher­s at King’s College London found eating this precise “dose” daily for a month lowered systolic blood pressure as effectivel­y as prescripti­on meds.

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