First For Women



Outsmart doggy boredom

On rainy days when he’s stuck inside, Buster chews up all his toys—and it’s a pain to keep replacing them. To entertain him without running to the store, make a fun, safe chew toy. To do: Place an empty plastic water bottle inside a sock and tie a knot on the end. Your furry friend will love the crackling sound his new toy makes, and you’ll save time and money!

Separate eggs when baking

Here’s a foolproof way to separate egg whites for that cake you’re making for the church potluck: Crack the egg into a bowl, then squeeze an empty plastic water bottle over the yolk and release. Squeezing the bottle creates a vacuum effect, sucking the yolk right up and leaving the whites behind.

Keep dry goods fresh and tidy

No need to shell out for storage containers for pantry staples like rice and beans. The alternativ­e: Repurpose a plastic water bottle. Simply wash and dry a bottle thoroughly, then use a funnel to fill it with grains or beans and screw on the cap. The sealed bottle keeps food fresh plus saves shelf space and allows you to easily spot the ingredient you’re looking for.

Chill picnic foods without a mess

The last time you went on a picnic, the ice in your cooler melted before you arrived and made everything soggy. Not next time! The night before your next outdoor fun, fill a few plastic bottles three-quarters of the way with water and freeze. The frozen bottles will keep your food cold without leaking all over your meal. Bonus: Once melted, you’ll have cool water to drink!

Create a DIY sprinkler

On hot days when the little ones visit, you wish they had a sprinkler to play in. No need to buy one! Instead, cut three 1"-long slits in one side of an empty plastic 1-liter bottle. Secure the hose nozzle to the bottle top with duct tape, fastening it tight, then turn on the water spigot. Voilà—fun!

Water plants while away

You want to keep your houseplant­s watered while you’re away for a long weekend. Fill a clean, empty bottle with water, then nestle the neck of the bottle into the plant’s soil. Repeat the process for each plant. This self-watering system ensures plants won’t go dry.

Outsmart plastic bag chaos

It’s handy to keep spare shopping bags around, but when you stash them under the sink, they scatter all over the cabinet. What can help: Cut the bottom off a 2-liter plastic bottle and remove the cap. Then stuff the plastic bags through the open bottom. The bottle will keep the bags neatly contained, and you can easily pull one out of the bottle top whenever needed.

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