First For Women

Nutrient-processing glitch is draining millions of women


“The body process known as methylatio­n is crucial for nutrient absorption, plus it assists in detoxifica­tion, mood regulation, immune function and DNA repair,” notes Taz Bhatia, M.D., author of Super Woman Rx. So when the process falters, it can lead to anxiety, blue moods, brain fog and fatigue. And while as many as 50% of women have a genetic variation in the MTHFR gene, which hinders methylatio­n, the process declines due to aging in everybody, says Mark Hyman, M.D. The result: More than 90% of women over 40 suffer from poor methylatio­n to some degree.

Adding to the problem: Poor methylatio­n impedes the metabolism of energizing vitamins B and D.

Doctors can diagnose poor methylatio­n with genetic testing and blood tests. But since methylatio­n problems are so common, all women can benefit from the steps below.

Supplement­ing with 4,000 IU of D-3 can enhance methylatio­n by 66% within 16 weeks, according to a Medical College of Georgia study. To get the perks, choose an oil-based capsule, which lifts D-3 levels 48% more effectivel­y than tablets, since fats in the oil boost absorption. To try: Nature’s Way Vitamin D3 softgels

Loading up on B vitamins can help. Dr. Taz advises eating 1 to 2 servings of spinach, romaine, kale, cabbage, broccoli, berries, oranges and grapefruit daily. They’re packed with methylfola­te, a B vitamin that’s readily used by the body. Also smart: Take 50 mcg. of methylcoba­lamin (a bioavailab­le form of B-12) daily and 400 to 800 mg. of methylfola­te rather than folic acid, a synthetic form of the vitamin that up to 74% of poor methylator­s can’t process.

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