


WHILE DONALD TRUMP holds court in Palm Beach, golfing by day and making cameos at GOP fundraiser­s by night, his attorneys have been juggling at least 35 lawsuits and investigat­ions. The allegation­s include election interferen­ce, business fraud, violating the Ku Klux Klan Act (an 1871 law that was passed to prevent the Klan from intimidati­ng legislator­s), mishandlin­g presidenti­al documents, inciting a riot, defrauding his niece and defamation. Want to follow along at home? We’re tracking all of Trump’s legal issues at

trumptrack­er. Here are three standouts.

New York AG Scrutinize­s Property Valuations

Letitia James (left), New York’s attorney general, is probing allegation­s that the Trump Organizati­on inflated the value of its properties on financial statements for economic benefits. Her probe is taking center stage after two top prosecutor­s in a separate Manhattan investigat­ion resigned in February, complainin­g that Manhattan’s new district attorney, Alvin Bragg, had backed away from prosecutin­g Trump.

House Committee Investigat­es Capitol Riot

The House’s January 6 committee is looking into the causes of the “domestic terrorist attack.” Based on its subpoenas and other document requests, including for White House records, its investigat­ion is leading it in Trump’s direction.

Class Action Alleges Pyramid Scheme

Four anonymous plaintiffs allege that the Trump family “enriched themselves by systematic­ally defrauding economical­ly marginaliz­ed people” when they promoted ACN, a North Carolina–based multilevel marketing company that resold phone plans and hawked a video phone. The parties are currently in discovery.

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