

- By: Paul Trustfull

A surge of economic growth for antigua and Barbuda is getting an assist from the islands cup open (isco). as host country for the 2022 isco Play 4 championsh­ip tournament, the twin nation is kicking off plans to become a Pancaribbe­an sports tourism hub.

The decision to designate antigua and Barbuda leaders to host the tournament­s is viewed as an extraordin­ary opportunit­y to boost the nation’s economy. “small states have learned to network with private enterprise­s in order to maximize every opportunit­y to scale developmen­tal goals,” says gaston Browne, prime minister of antigua and Barbuda. “this new relationsh­ip with isco will bring mutually beneficial gains for both. We welcome this partnershi­p.”

ISCO Projects Bring Lasting Impact

A number of ISCO’s sports, entertainm­ent, and wellness initiative­s are already underway.

A stadium and multiple infrastruc­ture projects are planned to support ongoing tournament events.

“Attracting visitors to my caribbean island-country is a science, and my team has perfected its practice,” says charles “max” Fernandez, minister of tourism of Antigua and Barbuda. “We look forward further collaborat­ions on behalf of the Government of Antigua and Barbuda and isco.”

This year’s tournament­s will be played at the existing Sir Vivian Richards Stadium in North Sound, Antigua, built for the 2007 Cricket World Cup. A new stadium is slated for completion in 2023. this first caribbean football-specific stadium will bring Antigua and Barbuda global attention as a leading sports tourism hub in the region. Branded as the isco stadium, it will have a 20,750seat capacity with 33 field-level suites. Built by isco in partnershi­p with offshore investors, the stadium complex will include 12 internatio­nal training fields. an adjacent 5-star hotel and a players’ rehabilita­tion center are also planned.

“Attracting visitors to my Caribbean island-country is a science, and my team has perfected its practice.

“- Charles “Max” Fernandez, Minister of tourism of Antigua and Barbuda

Fernandez states that his ministry “fully endorses the constructi­on of a footballsp­ecific stadium and other real estate acquisitio­n and developmen­t projects, which will benefit the Antiguan and Barbudan people and the economy as a whole.” Further endorsemen­t for the partnershi­p has come from Daryll matthew, minister of education, sports and creative Arts.

“Kick Poverty Out”

“isco offers the great game of football and entertainm­ent as a vehicle to boost the economy and kick out poverty,” says Paul mohamed, ceo and commission­er of isco. “We will do this by fusing football with entertainm­ent for all live games, providing some of the leading entertaine­rs of the world, along with the caliber of internatio­nal players and coaches at the tournament­s.”

chris Anderson-Joyneau, chairman and chief financial officer of isco, has proposed an ecosystem of iscoinitia­tives beyond the 2022 is co football tournament­s. these include a global entertainm­ent extravagan­zas lated for Antigua and Barbuda this spring and summer.

isco’s ambition is to uplift local football in various communitie­s by mobilizing young players, coaches and trainers through its own academy and technical developmen­t center of excellence. Anderson-Joyeau says his main commitment beside the tournament­s is to maintain the necessary financial sustainabi­lity for the “kick Poverty out” (kPo) campaign. “kPo aims to change the lives of impoverish­ed youths, their families and communitie­s, together with global humanitari­an aid, by using football and entertainm­ent,” he says. Beyond its structural commitment­s, kPo offers meal and nutrition programs at schools; recreation­al equipment for school football, basketball, baseball, netball, cricket, and track and field; and funding of football/soccer scholarshi­ps from the caribbean to the UsA ncAA system. kPo also sponsors annual Legends All-star games to benefit hurricane victims in the caribbean.

Events Set for the Global Stage

isco is designed to be global, as it plans this special and unique football event featuring global st a rs and live mainstream showbusine­ss artists. Billed as the biggest sporting and entertainm­ent extravagan­za in the world, it aims bring unpreceden­ted value to fans worldwide via global digital platforms.

May 2022

A celebr ation of football and game of Legends event w ill accompany the officialla­unch of isco Football on may 21, 2022. the game will include the British royals Legends team versus the rest of the World stars, featuring recently retired marquee football players. this inaugural 2022 tournament features the Play 4 championsh­ip, which is one of the three establishe­d cup championsh­ips, for a cash prize of 1 million eUr for the winner.

A celebrity golf tournament with selected national Football League, major League Baseball, national Basketball Associatio­n, english Premier League, LaLiga and iPL cricket stars, plus Hollywood and Bollywood actors, will tee off for the isco kick Poverty out charitable campaign.

the launch celebratio­nwill also bring to Antigua and Barbuda some of the most popular internatio­nal music artists to be part of the isco Fete Fest.

Summer 2022

From July 15 to August 13, 2022, Antigua and Barbuda will host the muchantici­pated isco tournament. eight franchise teams will compete: Brazil’s samba Warriors, British royals, combined islands sharks, colombia tapirs, Africa Ubuntu, Asia Dragonaire­s, europa Union, and the tnt soca rivals. (two additional franchises, Americana north and Jamaica ruffnecks, will join the competitio­n in 2023.)

2023 and Beyond

Bidding and negotiatio­ns are now underway for hosting rights to two additional isco championsh­ips: challenge ten cup and cup Winners cup. each of the three isco championsh­ips will be awarded a 1 million eUr winnertake-all cash prize.

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 ?? ?? Hon. minister charles “max” Fernandez, minister of tourism and investment; Hon. minister Daryll s. matthew, minister of education & sports;chris Anderson-Joyeau, chairman & cFo, isco At offices of ministry of tourism and investment, government of Antigua and Barbuda,January 29, 2022
Hon. minister charles “max” Fernandez, minister of tourism and investment; Hon. minister Daryll s. matthew, minister of education & sports;chris Anderson-Joyeau, chairman & cFo, isco At offices of ministry of tourism and investment, government of Antigua and Barbuda,January 29, 2022
 ?? ?? Prime minister Hon. gaston Browne & Forbes emerging markets editor Paul trustfull
Prime minister Hon. gaston Browne & Forbes emerging markets editor Paul trustfull

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