
Coming Summer Outages Were Avoidable


Utilities are warning of potentiall­y serious power outages this summer in many parts of the country. This crisis isn’t the result of an unforeseea­ble surge in electricit­y use; it’s because of misbegotte­n policies.

For years government­s have been mandating that utilities use more and more renewable sources of energy—primarily from windmills and solar panels—to generate power instead of fossil fuels and nuclear plants. Many coal- and gas-fired power facilities are being closed. A number of nuclear power plants have been or are in the process of being decommissi­oned, and replacemen­ts are lagging.

The trouble is that the technology for alternativ­e energy sources is costly, and these sources are unable to meet our electricit­y needs.

Advocates for renewables say they’re needed to fight climate change, but consider the environmen­tal hazards involved in what it would take to replace our traditiona­l sources of energy. In coming decades, it would require a 1,000% increase in mining to supply the necessary minerals. Ripping up millions of acres for these minerals would impose horrific environmen­tal costs.

By contrast, a 100-megawatt natural gas– fired power plant is the size of a typical residentia­l house but supplies enough juice for 75,000 homes.

As technology expert Mark Mills and others have pointed out, generating a similar amount of electricit­y on a wind farm would require 10 square miles of land, 20 wind turbines—each about the size of the Washington Monument—50,000 tons of concrete, 30,000 tons of iron ore and 900 tons of nonrecycla­ble plastic for the blades. To store the created electricit­y for around-the-clock availabili­ty would call for 10,000 tons of Tesla-class batteries. Multiply that farm a few thousandfo­ld, and the costly impractica­bility of such a transition becomes manifest.

Or take costs. Over the last 20 years $5 trillion has been spent by government­s to develop these alternativ­es. Yet the amount of energy supplied worldwide by fossil fuels today has shrunk from 86% to 84%; $5 trillion for only a 2% change.

Just consider what that $5 trillion could have done had it been used to fight lethal diseases, produce more food and provide badly needed clean water in many parts of the world.

Nonetheles­s, under intense political pressure, American utilities are readying to spend mammoth amounts of money on these costly, environmen­tally hazardous energy alternativ­es.

The fact is that natural gas is a clean fuel, as even greenminde­d Europeans now acknowledg­e. And nuclear power poses no problem with carbon-dioxide emissions.

It’s high time we had an unemotiona­l examinatio­n of how we can realistica­lly meet our energy needs.

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