
Forbes On Demand


When I was a young writer at Forbes in the 1990s, the solution when a good story ran a bit long was simple: Shrink the photos. The words always reigned supreme. Fast-forward a few decades. Our words remain sacred, especially in the printed form, where physical constraint­s impose judicious curation. But we embrace world-class journalism through pretty much any storytelli­ng platform, from photo essays to Instagram posts, punchy email newsletter­s to gripping live events.

Increasing­ly, we’re seeing people interact with Forbes via video, one of the great success stories here over the past few years. The formula: Hold ourselves to the highest standards and meet our audience wherever they view, whether on our own site, a streaming platform, social media or YouTube. “People now trust Forbes with moving images the same way they do with the written word,” says Tim Pierson, a 10-year Forbes veteran who deftly oversees our video operation.

Indeed they do. People have watched a Forbes YouTube video more than 1.5 billion times over the past two years. Says Pierson: “The buy-in from the newsroom is key.” Lead anchor Brittany Lewis provides contextual news updates throughout the day. Diane Brady, one of the planet’s best business interviewe­rs, goes further, with smart takes from billionair­es, CEOs and Forbes’ expert journalist­s. We have another dozen people focused on deep-dive segments, such as bringing signature Forbes lists to life. And our VP of social and emerging media, C.W. Benston, makes sure that these videos reach the right audience on all possible platforms.

The connective string: upholding quality and staying true to Forbes, the leading voice of entreprene­urial capitalism for over a century. When Forbes Entertainm­ent, under Travis Collins, started delving into feature-length documentar­ies, the first production was WeWork: Or the Making and Breaking of a $47 Billion Unicorn. That documentar­y, which streamed on Hulu, just won Forbes its first Emmy Award.

Quality always wins in the long term, and we strive to deliver that to you in as many formats as you choose.

 ?? ?? (From left) C.W. Benston, Joshua Fidler, Kirsten Taggart, Tim Pierson, Travis Collins, Ivan Clow
(From left) C.W. Benston, Joshua Fidler, Kirsten Taggart, Tim Pierson, Travis Collins, Ivan Clow

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