
Community Capitalism


One of the wonderful parts about the Forbes brand: its ubiquity in song lyrics—specifical­ly, lyrics of

Black artists, from Jay-Z to Nicki Minaj, Beyoncé to Bruno Mars to 50 Cent to the Weeknd. Forbes serves as handy one-word shorthand for success, yes. But more specifical­ly, it’s a self-determinan­t strand appealing to anyone who feels societal roadblocks to achievemen­t. As A$AP Rocky sings, “The sum of my performanc­es/Just put me on the Forbes list.”

That empowermen­t message transcends music and explains the physical line, literally two city blocks long, in early November, as more than 800 Black entreprene­urs and leaders flocked to Atlanta for the first-ever ForbesBLK Summit. “You don’t have to explain impact when you can feel it,” says Ayisha Mendez, who manages ForbesBLK, which has surged to more than 33,000 members and 118,000 newsletter subscriber­s just since May. Adds Jabari Young, the editor of ForbesBLK: “In this room, you can just do business and network and feel comfortabl­e. And in this room, we’ll find the next Black billionair­es.”

Based on what I witnessed, Young nailed it. Entreprene­urship is transforma­tive, and alluring, because while the playing field might not be level, anyone can bet on themselves. That journey becomes easier when it’s shared. ForbesBLK has already opened seven local community hubs and establishe­d mentoring partnershi­ps with America’s HBCUs. It’s powerful.

We’ve seen previous effects within ForbesWome­n and the young entreprene­urs of the Forbes 30 Under 30, but ForbesBLK demonstrat­es just how much untapped power sits within communitie­s hungry for their full share of the American Dream. Drake offers the endgame: “This year I made the Forbes list/ Everything’s coming up gorgeous.” We’re excited to catalyze more gorgeousne­ss in the years to come.

 ?? ?? (Left) Ayisha Mendez and Jabari Young deliver opening remarks at the inaugural ForbesBLK summit in Atlanta; (right) the packed house
(Left) Ayisha Mendez and Jabari Young deliver opening remarks at the inaugural ForbesBLK summit in Atlanta; (right) the packed house
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