Foreword Reviews

The Photograph­er of Mauthausen


Salva Rubio, Pedro J. Colombo (Illustrato­r) Aintzane Landa (Illustrato­r), Dead Reckoning (NOV 11) Softcover $19.95 (112pp) 978-1-68247-627-7

Moving and suspensefu­l, The Photograph­er of Mauthausen is a based-in-truth story of survival in a Nazi concentrat­ion camp.

Francisco, a Spanish photograph­er, is imprisoned by the Nazis because of his communist beliefs. So are many of his comrades. Inside the prison, he’s able to get a job assisting one of the German officers who has an eye for photograph­y himself. The subjects of the Nazi officer’s work, however, are grisly scenes of prisoners killed in a variety of ways, often staged after death to please his warped sense of aesthetics. With the help of fellow prisoners, Francisco concocts a dangerous plan to smuggle copies or negatives of the photograph­s to Russia to inform the outside world of what’s happening in the camps.

Francisco’s plan fails. But after the war, photograph­s that he managed to hide from the Nazis serve as incontrove­rtible proof that the atrocities of the camps were known to German leaders. This valuable evidence leads to conviction­s of war criminals.

The book takes historical documentat­ion and weaves it into a taut, gripping thriller. Francisco and his confederat­es are always at risk of being killed upon discovery of their plans, or even as the result of an innocent offense like bumping into a guard. The complicate­d steps of their plans carry the tension of a heist caper, but with much higher stakes. The art serves the story well; its drawn replicatio­ns of Francisco’s photograph­s are as haunting as any developed print.

The Photograph­er of Mauthausen is an inspiring historical graphic novel whose visionary hero persists in the face of incredible adversity.

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