Foreword Reviews

Vindicated: A Novel of Mary Shelley

Kathleen Williams Renk


Cuidono Press (NOV 10) Softcover $16 (202pp) 978-1-944453-10-7

Kathleen Williams Renk’s novel Vindicated reimagines Mary Shelley’s life through diary entries.

At fourteen, Mary misses her mother, Mary Wollstonec­raft, who died while giving birth to her. So she adopts the mantle of a free spirit, longing to be more than some husband’s property. When she falls for Percy Shelley, who is married and who dubs her his “child of light,” her father disowns her. Life with the radical poet fuels Mary’s vigorous experiment­ality, and her intellect sustains her through the years.

Mary’s influences are suggested even before the Lake Geneva trip that inspired Frankenste­in. She takes an abbreviate­d tour of Europe, experience­s pregnancy and loss, and has visions of her mother. Speculativ­e and historical details are used to build a plausible map of her interior life as she witnesses electrical experiment­s, ponders over her characters’ lives, and spars with Lord Byron. Her musings about her fiction are intense, and her impression­s of Italy are rich. She takes idealistic offense to men’s outdated thinking, reinforcin­g her progressiv­e outlook.

The book’s diary format leads to time lapses and omissions that imply, rather than pronounce, Mary’s off-page daily life, including her financial concerns and Shelley’s mad bouts. Demimondes and controvers­ial writers enliven the Shelley household, though Mary’s frequent reflection­s about her stepsister Claire’s pursuit of Lord Byron are tangential. Still, despite some intimate revelation­s, including of her guilt over hurting Shelley’s first wife, Mary is enigmatic when it comes to sensitive topics. The book’s later entries digress to focus on Shelley’s emotional affairs.

Vindicated is an admiring and graceful tribute to Mary Shelley, who was challenged to bridge her writing with the tasks of motherhood.

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