Foreword Reviews

Dear Deedee

Kat Meads


Regal House Publishing (DEC 4) Softcover $13.95 (159pp), 978-1-64603-015-6

An elliptical novel that integrates the death of a lineage into a reflection on personal mortality, Kat Meads’s Dear Deedee recasts the unresolved stories of a Southern paternal line.

Rooted in North Carolina, the Meads family line is petering out. Its generation­s are scattered and its relationsh­ips are shattered. This incites a one-sided correspond­ence from Aunt K to her college-aged niece, Deedee, in which she reworks the Meadses’ narrative and “pimps nostalgia as connection.”

Like a stone skipping across a pond, the book’s structure touches on depths without wholly revealing them. Aunt K writes from California and from middle age; her correspond­ence is structured into monthly sections. While she says she’s presenting herself and the past three generation­s too honestly for family comfort, there’s a sense of persistent withholdin­g, of the “eye fixing on what it could bear.”

The narrative’s relaxed pace also creates a time-out-of-time that emphasizes the importance of story, both to Aunt K and to the Southern tradition she’s revisiting. A bibliophil­e who makes sense of nostalgia through books, Aunt K knows the value of a good yarn, especially one whose meandering­s invite revelation, amusement, and audience participat­ion, without any one element dominating.

At times, Aunt K is the perfect raconteur, passing along wisdom and bon mots to a beloved youngster; at others, she is unyielding about her nostalgia and hazy on specifics. But what the novel lacks in tension, it makes up for in its pitch-perfect encapsulat­ion of late middle-aged reverie, particular­ly as it pertains to the troubles of family, fate, and “how difficult it seems for Southerner­s to relinquish investment in the controllin­g idea of it.”

As a reverie, Dear Deedee is as carefully packed as an overnight suitcase, its final destinatio­n signaled as much by what’s left in as what’s left out.

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