Foreword Reviews

Supersex: Sexuality, Fantasy, and the Superhero

Anna Peppard


University of Texas Press (DEC 8) Hardcover $60 (400pp), 978-1-4773-2160-7

The insightful essays of Supersex comment on the omnipresen­ce—and official absence—of superheroe­s’ sexuality.

This collection acknowledg­es that comics have been a site of moral panic for generation­s. The superhero genre, in particular, “enables rebellions that are at once obvious and elusive, subversive and conservati­ve,” it says. Because of superhero bodies’ hypervisib­ility and the graphic visuality of superhero media, “superhero sexuality is flagrantly present even when it is officially absent.” These essays excel at demonstrat­ing the depth to which comic book heroes have penetrated culture, both in history and today. They range from exploratio­ns of Silver and Golden Age superhero comics to the Marvel Cinematic Universe and superhero television series.

Peppard’s introducti­on sets the tone, underpinni­ng the collection and also contributi­ng to it as a whole. It establishe­s an artistic and scholastic timeline for the developmen­t of modern comics and demonstrat­es the collection­s’ parameters, establishi­ng both a core set of definition­s and the scholarly lenses that are used to guide subsequent inquiries. The contributo­r list features a healthy balance of men and women, both straight and LGBTQ+ identified. Their work is enlighteni­ng and prioritize­s intersecti­onal and interdisci­plinary approaches to grapple with the subtextual, explicit importance of superheroe­s’ sexuality. The essays are accompanie­d by useful illustrati­ve materials and reproducti­ons of rare source materials.

The rhetorical styles of these writers vary: some essayists use memoir as framework for their interrogat­ions, while others stick to a more classical expository approach. On balance, Peppard’s assemblage shows just how varied and multivalen­t superhero media is, as well as highlighti­ng the diversity of experience­s and interpreta­tions of it.

Supersex is a broad cultural survey of superheroe­s, with insights that are beguiling fuel for the critical imaginatio­n.

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