Foreword Reviews

Terroir: Love, Out of Place

Natasha Sajé


Trinity University Press (NOV 10) Softcover $17.95 (224pp), 978-1-59534-932-3

The French word “terroir” refers to the whole environmen­t in which something is grown, and Natasha Sajé’s essay collection Terroir: Love, Out of Place applies this term to her life, examining the context in which her identity was forged.

Sajé’s preface establishe­s her feeling that she, born in Germany and raised in the US, is not “from” anywhere. The book’s eight essays explore the locations, people, and experience­s that are her true “terroir.” They include pieces on hotel work in Switzerlan­d, buying a house in Baltimore, and feeling out of place in Mormon Utah. They describe her two marriages, one interracia­l and the other to a woman, and analyze emotions including guilt and nostalgia.

Lively details of, and anecdotes from, Sajé’s travel, jobs, and relationsh­ips undergird her argument for the centrality of environmen­ts in shaping personal identities. These details also make for captivatin­g reading. Essays on her marriages are nuanced in their examinatio­ns of race and sexuality, both on personal and cultural levels. As both a travel text and a work of food writing, the book captures landscapes from Venice to Salt Lake City, and meals from potlucks to those in high-end restaurant­s.

As the book proceeds, its essays become more varied and complex. After straightfo­rward stories about waitressin­g and a close childhood relationsh­ip with an older woman, Sajé begins to braid her experience­s and ideas together, exploring more abstract concepts and emotions. A standout piece, “The Performanc­e of Taste,” makes an argument about ethics by moving from food snobbery to Sajé’s outspokenn­ess to American anti-intellectu­alism to teaching literature. Throughout, Sajé’s voice is warm, confident, and honest.

Natasha Sajé’s ranging essay collection explores the nature of the self while shedding light on race, sexuality, nationalit­y, and the meaning of home.

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