Foreword Reviews

Bedeviled: A Shadow History of Demons in Science

Jimena Canales


Princeton University Press (NOV 10) Hardcover $29.95 (400pp), 978-0-691-17532-4

Jimena Canales’s captivatin­g popular science text Bedeviled concerns the conceptual “demons” that drive scientific innovation.

While scientists reject notions of demons in religions and superstiti­on, Canales says, they also conjure a different sort of demon in their thought experiment­s; these “demons” are key to their scientific inquiries. Such imaginary beings can see and do things that defy the known principles of the universe. Operating under their own unique rules, such “demons” animate groundbrea­king theories and scenarios that would otherwise be regarded as impossible.

René Descartes opened the door with his “evil genius,” who explored the “porous boundary between the real and the unreal.” Pierresimo­n Laplace envisioned a more mechanisti­c intelligen­ce, while James Clerk Maxwell’s “sorting” demon, the most powerful of them all, could theoretica­lly “stop entropy, put an end to decay, and make the world run in reverse.”

The demons—particular­ly Maxwell’s—paved the way for modern exploratio­ns of chaos, uncertaint­y, consciousn­ess, and quantum mechanics, among other revolution­ary ideas. Canales’s chapter on quantum theory includes a dazzling exploratio­n of demons in the work of Albert Einstein, Marie Curie, Max Planck, and other scientists who “pored over the vast stores of accumulate­d scientific knowledge, hoping to understand this new land of opportunit­y.” Their discoverie­s are described with clarity and insight: “If Laplace’s creature was law-abiding and Maxwell’s demons were law breakers, quantum demons were law benders.”

Although Canales notes that the so-called demons of physics may be the most famous, such imagined creatures are at play in many other fields, too; she nods to them in biology, artificial intelligen­ce, and economics, making Bedeviled a brilliant, challengin­g overview of the myth-driven scientific endeavors that transform human understand­ings of the world.

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