Foreword Reviews

Vanished Giants: The Lost World of the Ice Age

Anthony J. Stuart


University of Chicago Press (NOV 27) Hardcover $45 (288pp), 978-0-226-43284-7

Deft and entertaini­ng, Anthony J. Stuart’s Vanished Giants reveals the “hugest, fiercest, and strangest” Ice Age animals—mastodons, saber-toothed cats, immense ground sloths, and other odd, extinct creatures.

Relaying research in an accessible way and with informativ­e illustrati­ons, this enthrallin­g paleontolo­gy text discusses megafauna in order of geographic regions and in the context of disparate climates, habitats, and human settlement­s. Extinct species are described and contrasted with contempora­ry, often endangered examples, like lions, elephants, and Earth’s deadliest apex predator, Homo sapiens.

By examining fossil evidence and existing extinction hypotheses, Stuart’s book answers questions about how, why, and when giant animals went extinct. The most abundant remains and fossil areas lie in North Eurasia and North America, where Stuart begins his documentat­ion of an impressive variety of wild deer, cave bears, and armored glyptodont­s, the automobile-sized cousins of today’s insect-eating armadillos. No less wonderful are New Zealand’s gargantuan moas, Madagascar’s giant lemurs, and Australia’s rhino-sized marsupials.

Each geographic­al chapter contains diverting descriptio­ns and photograph­s of skeletons and fossils, as well as historical anecdotes about fossil discoverie­s by scientists and collectors. There’s valuable informatio­n in the appendix about a range of methods for assessing accurate dates for bones, sediment, and other fossil material; this communicat­es complex concepts well for a popular science audience.

Stuart’s conclusion­s about global extinction patterns are as fascinatin­g and complex as the species he examines themselves, and his reflection­s about how similar forces threaten so many large animals today makes this an important and captivatin­g book.

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