Fort Bragg Advocate-News

Harlean Kay McClenny


Harlean Kay (Wilsey) McClenny passed away on January 27th, age 83 years, following a stroke and other health problems complicate­d by Covid-19. Harlean’s forebears (Wilsey, Tyson, Mallory, Dashiell, Vann, Mack and Isaacs families) were early settlers on the Mendocino coast, and she grew up in Westport and on her family’s ranch at Kibesillah Creek.

She attended Fort Bragg Union High School and Humboldt College, before moving to San Francisco to work in the insurance industry.

There she met and married her husband of 40 years, Myron McClenny (1932-2000), whose successful career as an insurance executive led to periods living in the Bay Area, in Seattle, on the east coast and overseas.

Harlean indulged her curiosity and enthusiasm for travel throughout her adult life, making many trips exploring the US, as well as Europe, Latin America, Asia and Africa.

Though predecease­d by her husband and parents, Ora (Tyson) Wilsey and Wayne Wilsey, Harlean is survived by her sisters, Rose (Jack Bednar), Veltha (Tom Prine) and Sharon (Dean Pate), by lifelong friends Gay (Killion) Lyly, Norma (Killion) Dunsing and Mildred (Killion) Saunder (deceased), and by her cousin Linda (Tyson) Figueiredo and longtime boyfriend and travel partner Robert “Babe” Ranta. Other surviving family members include her children Lee McClenny (Katherine Latimer) and Kris Kuppe (JB Kuppe), her grandchild­ren Blake McClenny, Kate Newton (Andy Newton), Maddie Kuppe, Preston Kuppe and Mallory Kuppe, and by great-grandson Kieran Newton.

The family plans a wake and memorial on the Mendocino coast, later in the year, when it is hoped Covid-19 public health restrictio­ns will make it easier for family and friends to travel and gather in a responsibl­e manner to celebrate Harlean’s rich life.

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