Fort Bragg Advocate-News

Golf Notes: Drizzle Smizzle


Wednesday, January 5th eight golfers showed up for the Stableford game. It was a lovely day much like today January

9th. There was a little early-round smizzle, the Scottish word for light drizzle but this soon turned to pleasant sunshine. Jackets came off. Bare arms were exposed. The Scottish word for light drizzle came out of the mouth of Jim Corsar who grew up in Scotland and was playing in my foursome. “What do you call this drizzle in Scottish?”, Jim was asked. “Smizzle.”, Jim answered. Apparently, there are 100 ways to say rain in Scottish. Jim has, in the past, shared some of those names such as droohit which is a drenching downpour and pish-oot denoting an intense period of rain. The word Dreich depicts a dark gloomy day which can lead to Crabbit, being ill-tempered or grouchy. The Scottish word for wind is hoolan. One could say it’s a hoolie which means a strong wind is blowing. Local Little River golfers are used to playing golf in a hoolie. Just the sound of hoolan or hoolie sounds like wind.

There was no hoolie that Wednesday and Jim was not feeling Crabbit coming in second individual Stabelford winner and second-team winner. The first individual winner was Glen Beck shooting a nice 75 and netting 43 Stableford points. Glen

drew Dave Coddington for a Stableford partner and with Dave’s 32 points came in 1st partners.

Last Saturday, January 8th I had the pleasure of playing nine holes with my son Oscar Miller and mutual friend Jack Bush. It was a latha grianach, sunny day in Scottish. It was my son’s birthday. Elvis Presley and Dwight Clark were also born on the 8th. Speaking of Dwight Clark the 49’s as of this moment are tied with the Las Angeles Rams and the game is in overtime. It will be long over by the time Notes hits the street and Clay

Thompson is going to be playing for the Golden State Warriors tonight… exciting.

Responding to the question, “What is your chicken stick?” Oscar said it was his 7 iron. A chicken stick, readers will remember, is the golf club you feel most competent with. Jack Bush was not sure. He was going to think about it while Glen

Beck had the same, “not sure” response. Current Men’s Club Champion Phil Dunn also said his seven-iron was his chicken stick and for me, it is my putter. “Hey, Harold.”, (Sipila) “What is your chicken stick?” Harold paused, thought, and responded, “The gear stick on my truck.”

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