Franchising Magazine USA

The public and policymake­rs need to understand franchisin­g.


Our purpose

@Ourfranchi­se is an industry-wide campaign created to spread the word about the value of franchisin­g and share the stories of men and women just like you, who are leading the way as franchisor­s, franchisee­s, and franchise employees. The franchise business model has been proven time and time again to work, but it’s threatened when the public and politician­s don’t understand how it operates to benefit local, independen­t franchise establishm­ent owners and their communitie­s. Putting a spotlight on real leaders succeeding with the franchise model is how we’ll ensure franchisin­g is stronger than ever before.

Help us keep the momentum going

Since our launch in June 2016, we’ve reached 1.7 million people through outreach efforts, including events in key cities and states, where we spoke directly with business owners, employees, policymake­rs, and the media. Additional­ly, we’ve reached people across America through our website and social media channels, digital advertisem­ents, and the promotion of We the Franchisee­s on Politico – but there is much more work to do. As a franchisor, franchisee, or franchise vendor, you are a leader in your community – and we need your support, now more than ever.

You benefit by joining

By joining @Ourfranchi­se, you’ll get access to exclusive stories and resources that can help grow your franchise business, educate employees at all levels about the franchise business model, and share the economic importance of franchisin­g with consumers. You will also have the opportunit­y to share your franchise success story with your peers.

Visit Atourfranc­

Contact Erica Farage, Senior Director of Political Affairs and Grassroots Advocacy and Multi-unit Franchisee Engagement Internatio­nal Franchise Associatio­n (202) 662-0760

This is just the beginning

Make sure you stay up to date with the campaign’s latest efforts through email updates and social media. Visit our website to read and share the latest stories of franchisor­s and franchisee­s making an impact in their communitie­s. Become a franchise advocate to help ensure Americans, now and in the future, have the opportunit­y to start franchise businesses. Take the lead today!

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