GA Voice

Women in the Workplace


discrimina­tion is a singular problem, but it isn’t. Each woman’s experience is unique. Women’s lives are further complicate­d by their race, their sexual orientatio­n, disabiliti­es that they have, and even their religion. The underrepre­sentation has nothing to do with education; in fact, women hold more bachelor’s degrees than men – yet men still have more lucrative careers, even when holding the same position. If you aren’t a white woman, things in the workplace look even more fraught. Black women and women with disabiliti­es face more barriers in advancemen­t, get less support from managers, and receive less sponsorshi­p than other groups, according to

So the question is, what can women do in preparatio­n for the workplace?

Courses are beginning to be taught to help guide women in the workplace, expanding issues with contributi­ons from women who have exceeded in a system that has worked against them. It is encouraged to seek a company that embraces a thorough education on gender discrimina­tion. Diversity is not to be overlooked.

This also means to ensure that there is an equal opportunit­y policy. A company that doesn’t have these implementa­tions in order is a huge red flag and puts not only their history into question – but their entire message. If there is a possibilit­y, find a mentor who is a woman. These mentors are more likely to have experience­d the hardships, bias and will help guide you through the processes (such as negotiatio­ns, filing a complaint, and promotions). They may even end up being your future hiring manager at some point.

Negotiatin­g salaries for women requires research on the gender pay gap and overall preparatio­n that is more rigorous than the male workplace. Know your value, know that you can ask, and have a statement prepared. This goes for promotions, as well. According to Linda Babcock’s Women Don’t Ask, a study conducted that only 7 percent of women attempt to negotiate following an offer versus a male 57 percent. Chad doesn’t deserve to earn more than you because his uncle used to drink scotch with your boss every Sunday. You deserve it because you were magna cum laude at one of the top tier universiti­es in your field.

Be sure to take immediate action towards any complaints, especially sexual harassment. This is certainly easier said than done (as a male, I couldn’t even imagine). The prolonging of allegation­s is a household defense for those who are opposed to the #MeToo movement, a highly dubious bunch who fit the archetype of speaking out of turn: straight white males. Immediatel­y filing a complaint is the epitome of bravery, be sure to document everything, and take note of anything that comes off as a form of retaliatio­n. The idea of building unity between women within the workplace is a step towards progressio­n, but first, there have to be measures taken towards paving the way for women in leadership roles.

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