GA Voice

Come (Out) as You Are Provides Online Space for Coming Out

- Anthony T. Eaton

Read the full interview online at

Our stories are what connect us, unite us, and let us know we are not alone in our journey, whatever that may be. This is especially true for those who are considerin­g coming out, are in the process of coming out, or have come out. Together, Kaitlyn Scoville and Robyn Warren have created an online place, comeoutasy­, for members of the LGBTQ+ community to share comingout stories and a place to understand the experience and gain an understand­ing, not only about coming out but being LGBTQ.

Where did the idea for Come (Out) as You Are come from and when did you launch? K: The idea came to me as I was completing my college career at the University of Wisconsin Oshkosh in fall 2020. I was in the middle of job searching and thought to apply my acquired skills through something I was passionate about — person-of-interest journalism, storytelli­ng, and reporting. Shortly after I graduated, I bit the bullet and began Come (Out) as You Are. My girlfriend helped me come up with the name.

After I published a few stories, my former journalism adviser took notice and offered to donate $100 to get my blog moved to its own domain. Around the same time, I asked Robyn to help out.

How has it been received so far, and what kind of responses have you gotten?

K: Community responses have been wonderful since the beginning. I received word from an old colleague that one of my coming-out story posts encouraged him to come out to his parents, which was greatly affirming. It’s part of my goal to instill confidence and strength in those who may not have been ready to come out. I’ve also heard from my more miscellane­ous posts that I’ve helped parents, teachers, and even other LGBTQ folks understand parts of the community they hadn’t seen before.

R: I would have to say overall, people love it, and they are happy to have it as a resource and read about coming-out stories and pressing issues the LGBTQ+ community faces. We have made many great connection­s with individual­s who share it with others, and it just keeps spreading organicall­y, and I can’t thank those individual­s enough. We have had a few distastefu­l comments on posts or ads. No matter the interactio­n, positive or negative, I strive to interact with love and compassion.

Despite our having more rights, protection­s, and visibility, coming out doesn’t seem to have become easier. Why do you think that is?

K: It can stem from several factors, of course. However, I believe there is a deep-rooted fear among youths and even adults for how their families might react. That internal struggle can come from observatio­ns children make that their parents never notice. It all comes down to accepting one another for who they are no matter what, to teach children okay to wander from the status quo. it’s

R: I think we still face contention from an older generation that isn’t as accepting and pushes the status quo. If we look at who is leading the government and the influence they have on American people, that can answer a lot of questions. When biased media outlets speak about the LGBTQ+ community, they never choose the best or most flattering way to present the community. I think another major player in the homophobia gambit is religion. Many people use religion as their driving narrative to be homophobic somehow.

The decision to come out or not, when and how, is a very personal one. Is there any advice you would offer to someone considerin­g it?

K: Let me quote a few individual­s who have said it better than I probably ever will:

“I think the most important thing is making sure that you live for yourself first. And if that means you have to distance yourself from your family, then do it. If that means you need to make new friends, then do it.” — Cory, January 5, 2021 (the first person who shared his story with me)

“Build yourself a support system before you move to some of the harder coming out stages; it’s good to slowly build that up as you feel more comfortabl­e.”

— Zach January 12, 2021

“If you never come out to people, you’re always going to have that worry in your stomach, and it’s never going to go away … If you’re in a place where you can’t come out yet, your day will come … don’t give up.”

— Lilith May 10, 2021

R: Make sure you’re in a safe environmen­t to do so. Make sure you have a great support network, and never look back. Get yourself to a place where you can be you without issue and be your best self and if you need support, reach out and get that support. There is absolutely no shame in getting the help you need.

Learn more about Come (Out) as You Are and read others’ coming out stories at comeoutasy­

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