GA Voice

MLK and Juneteenth

- Melissa Carter

Mr. Carter learned about Martin Luther King Jr. last January while in kindergart­en. It seems that, however, those lessons have lasted longer than I expected for a six-year-old and often come out in humorous and embarrassi­ng ways.

Recently I was getting ready to take him somewhere. Mr. Carter was playing with some toys while I was in the bathroom, and I had the TV set to old music videos. Sir Mixa-Lot began playing.

Mr. Carter: What is this song about?

Me (laughing): Butts.

Mr. Carter (after thinking about it): It’s like that guy who went to Heaven who said you shouldn’t be mean to people because of the color of their skin.

Me: Martin Luther King?

Mr. Carter: Yes.

Me (getting his point): Correct. It shouldn’t matter what size butt you have.

Never have Sir Mix-a-Lot and Dr. King been mentioned together in such a way.

Then a few days later we were at a swim meet. There were round tables scattered all around the pool, and after his competitio­n he came to sit in my lap. He then said loudly:

“Before Martin Luther King you would have been mean to him.”

He then preceded to point to a Black man and his family seated at the table right next to us, who I didn’t know. I knew they heard him, and I internally panicked. However, I knew this was an important moment and the opportunit­y was far more valuable than my ego. I simply said I hoped I wouldn’t be mean to him even without Martin Luther King, but that Dr. King was a very important person to honor and a great role model.

This is a new day, even if it’s hard sometimes to remember. I can recall the introducti­on to an MLK Day in this country, and the intense backlash. Then, when it was enacted, I remember the ridiculous debates within my workplaces on whether employees should take the holiday off or not. And now we have a brand-new national holiday in honor of Juneteenth, which is a day I admit I was unaware of until last year’s racial unrest. A remarkable feat, and a holiday my son will always know.

At the time he first learned about MLK, I was glad he was getting a formal introducti­on to the civil rights icon and impressed his school made sure to spend a week on his lessons for MLK Day. I could see my son was developing an understand­ing as to why the man was important. However, he was also confused as to why such a man was needed. Mr. Carter had not been exposed to that kind of discrimina­tion and had the unfortunat­e realizatio­n that there were indeed people who were that mean.

MLK talked about his dream of children from different races playing together, but I doubt he allowed himself to imagine my Southern white son’s diverse classroom speaking his name both inside and outside school in such a progressiv­e way. Whether we stop to celebrate these victories or not, the fact remains that things do evolve and get better.

Luther King Jr.
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