Garavi Gujarat USA

French Beans


FRENCH beans are also known as green beans or fine beans. They are available throughout the year, the largest grower being Kenya. They can be easily grown in the garden, from varieties that grow on a bush-like plant to ones that grow climbing upwards on poles; many easy growing varieties are available from garden centres to specialist seed catalogues. This is the time when you can pick your first harvest from the garden.

French beans are very low in calories; 100g of raw French beans has a calorific value of approximat­ely 31kcal. The raw French beans also contain no saturated fat and are a valuable source of vitamins and minerals as well as dietary fibre. Dietary fibre is essential for helping to reduce the risk of colon cancer and also in easing constipati­on and aiding digestion.

Research has shown that French beans contain a large amount of antioxidan­ts compared to similar vegetables in the same family such as peas and other types of beans.

The antioxidan­ts present are not just confined to the usual ones such as Vitamin C and beta-carotenes but also the antioxidan­t mineral manganese. Phytonutri­ents such as carotenoid­s which include lutein and beta-carotene; and flavonoids such as catechins have all been found to have exceptiona­l health giving antioxidan­t properties. Surprising­ly, these are all available in French beans in similar quantities as other carotenoid rich vegetables like carrots and tomatoes that have the characteri­stic red/orange colouring of carotenoid rich foods.

French beans have a good quantity of silicon present in them. This silicon present in green beans is in the absorb-able form, thereby is important for bone health and for the healthy formation of connective tissue.

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