Garavi Gujarat USA

By SADHGURU, Isha Foundation


THE reason why the male or the masculine, has been more important than the feminine on this planet is because for all these thousands of years of human existence, our core focus has been survival. It is only in the last fifty to hundred years that our survival has become organized. For the first time, humanity is at a point where we can relax our survival attitudes a little bit. If you relax your survival instincts, then you will see that feminine will naturally become very significan­t. When survival instinct is very strong, the masculine is very important because it is all about survival. Unfortunat­ely, modern societies are not relaxing their survival instinct, they are just making their survival more difficult.

At one time, having two meals a day was survival. If you had a roof over your head you were doing great. Now we have upped the bar. If you want to survive you must have a Mercedes – and it will not stop there, it will keep going up. As survival gets more challengin­g, a Mercedes is no more a luxury. It is survival in a certain class of society. It is not seen as a luxury by a lot of people. Many people are saying “Without it you are lost.” Whether it is a car, or a home, or whatever, we are just pushing up the bars of survival. Once we do this, we will make masculine dominant. Masculine will rule – man or woman is not the question. Masculine will rule, the masculine attitudes and values will rule the world.

Right now, the main thing in the world is the economic engine. When economics becomes the most significan­t part of our lives, the feminine cannot play an equal role. A woman can play, but the feminine cannot play. She has to act like a man all the time to survive. If the feminine has to really flourish, if it has to flow, then we need to create a society where our values are more spread out to all aspects of life. Feminine is truly successful only when all aspects of life are equally important in the society. If music, art, love, care, all these things are as important as economics, then a woman has as much, or more, of a role in life than man. If these things are not important, if money is the only important thing, the masculine becomes the most dominant part of our social structure. If only economics are important, the feminine will recede and the masculine will dominate.

We are letting economics become the most important factor of humanity, and because of that, the feminine will suffer. Maybe after sometime we will not know what it is. I don’t believe it will be completely killed but it may become a minority, a very poor minority with a very small role to play, as it is already in Western societies. Generally, anything feminine is considered a weakness. All the beautiful things in life are considered a weakness. If everything beautiful becomes weakness, the ugly things become strong. Unfortunat­ely we are moving in that direction. The feminine is being totally obliterate­d in many ways, especially in the Western societies, and it is probably beginning to happen here also.

A home, a social structure, a nation or humanity as a whole is not complete unless the feminine also finds full expression. If just masculine finds expression, we will have enough to eat, but we will have no life to live. Only when feminine also finds expression there is a life to live. This needs to happen. If we don’t strive to create that in our own homes, in our own atmosphere­s, if we don’t see how to make both the masculine and feminine find equal roles to play in our life structure, we will live very incomplete, lopsided lives.

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