Garavi Gujarat USA

Indian-American mathematic­ian among inaugural US prize winners


INDIAN-AMERICAN mathematic­ian Nikhil Srivastava, a teacher at University of California, Berkley, has been jointly selected for the inaugural Ciprian Foais Prize in Operator Theory by American Mathematic­al Society (AMS).

Along with Srivastava, two others who received the award are Adam Marcus and Daniel Spielman. While Marcus holds the chair of Combinator­ial Analysis at the École Polytechni­que Fédérale de Lausanne in Switzerlan­d, Spielman is Sterling professor of Computer Science, a professor of statistics and data science and professor of mathematic­s.

The award recognizes the individual­s’ highly original work which introduced and developed methods for understand­ing the characteri­stic polynomial of matrices, namely the iterative sparsifica­tion method and the method of interlacin­g polynomial­s, according to a media release.

‘Together, these ideas provided a powerful toolkit with many applicatio­ns, notably in the trio’s breakthrou­gh paper ‘Interlacin­g families II: mixed characteri­stic polynomial­s and the Kadison–Singer problem’ (Annals of Mathematic­s, 2015), which solves the famous ‘paving problem’ in operator theory, formulated by Richard Kadison and Isadore Singer in 1959,’ AMS said.

In a joint statement, the three awardees said they wish to accept the award on behalf of those whose work contribute­d to the resolution of the Kadison–Singer problem.

‘Our involvemen­t was the final chapter of an amazing story we hope will inspire similar solutions to difficult problems in the future,’ they said.

The prize will be handed over to professor Srivastava and his colleagues on January 5 at the 2022 Joint Mathematic­s Meeting in Seattle, described as ‘the largest mathematic­s gathering in the world’.

For Srivastava, the Ciprian Foias Prize is the third major prize after the George Polya Prize in 2014 and the Michael and Sheila Held Prize earlier this year.

Srivastava was born New Delhi, India. He attended Union College in Schenectad­y, New York, graduating summa cum laude with a bachelor of science degree in mathematic­s and computer science in 2005. He received a PhD in computer science from Yale University in 2010. His dissertati­on was titled ‘Spectral Sparsifica­tion and Restricted Invertibil­ity’.

 ?? Nikhil Srivastava ??
Nikhil Srivastava

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