Garavi Gujarat USA

US senators announce limited deal on gun violence measures


A BIPARTISAN group of US senators on Sunday (12) proposed steps to curb gun violence following devastatin­g mass shootings in Texas and New York, but the limited measures fall far short of the president’s calls for change.

The shootings in May - one at a Texas elementary school that killed 19 young children and two teachers, and another at a New York supermarke­t that left 10 Black people dead - have piled pressure on politician­s to take action.

Republican­s lawmakers, who have repeatedly blocked tougher measures, are still resisting major changes to gun regulation­s, instead pointing to mental health issues as the root of the problem.

But the new framework notably has backing from at least 10 Republican­s, meaning it has a strong chance of earning the super majority of 60 votes needed to advance in the 100-seat US Senate.

The reforms include tougher background checks for gun buyers under 21, increasing resources for states to keep weapons out of the hands of people deemed a risk, and adding domestic violence conviction­s and restrainin­g orders to the national background check database.

‘Today, we are announcing a common sense, bipartisan proposal to protect America’s children, keep our schools safe, and reduce the threat of violence across our country,’ the group of 20 lawmakers said in a statement.

‘Our plan increases needed mental health resources, improves school safety and support for students, and helps ensure dangerous criminals and those who are adjudicate­d as mentally ill can’t purchase weapons.’

President Joe Biden praised the proposals and urged lawmakers to quickly turn them into legislatio­n, while saying the measures do not go far enough.

‘Obviously, it does not do everything that I think is needed, but it reflects important steps in the right direction, and would be the most significan­t gun safety legislatio­n to pass Congress in decades,’ he said in a statement.

‘With bipartisan support, there are no excuses for delay, and no reason it should not quickly move through the Senate and the House.’

Both Chuck Schumer and Mitch McConnell - the top Democrat and Republican in the Senate - expressed support for the bipartisan effort, signaling that legislatio­n based on the proposals could make it through the upper house.

Frequent mass shootings

Biden had pushed for more substantiv­e reforms, including a ban on assault rifles -- which were used in both the Texas and New York shootings -- or at least an increase in the age at which they can be purchased.

He had also urged lawmakers to ban high-capacity magazines, mandate safe storage of firearms, and allow gun manufactur­ers to be held liable for crimes committed with their products.

The Democrat-controlled House of Representa­tives passed a broad package of proposals this month that included raising the purchasing age for most semi-automatic rifles from 18 to 21.

But the party does not have the requisite 60 votes to advance it in the Senate, leaving the bipartisan deal as the only hope for federal legislatio­n to address firearms violence.

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi welcomed the Senate agreement, saying that while more is needed, including universal background checks and bans on high-capacity magazines, ‘this package will take steps to save lives.’

Frequent mass shootings have led to widespread outrage in the United States, where a majority of people support tighter gun laws, but opposition from many Republican lawmakers and voters has long been a hurdle to major changes.

A strong opponent of tougher measures is the National Rifle Associatio­n, which has been weakened by scandals and was hit by a lawsuit from New York state’s attorney general, but still wields considerab­le influence.

 ?? Demonstrat­ors join the ‘March for Our Lives’ rally in Los Angeles, California, on June 11, 2022. ??
Demonstrat­ors join the ‘March for Our Lives’ rally in Los Angeles, California, on June 11, 2022.

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