Garavi Gujarat USA

Films, fame and friendship


caught up with actor Siddhant Chaturvedi to discuss his journey so far, new film, friendship and future hopes.

How do you reflect on your action-packed start to Indian cinema?

It’s been a great journey so far. I have no complaints and feel really fortunate to be able to live my dream. It has been wonderful to work with so many great people, and I hope that continues.

Tell us about your new film,

Kho Gaye Hum


The writing in this film was so relatable. I like that it’s a film about friendship. It’s also about you and me! It’s about the digital age and how it impacts our personal choices. Also, it’s an overall fun, feel-good film. I know that everyone will resonate with it, be they from any age or background, including millennial­s and Gen-Zs.

What was the biggest challenge of playing yout character?

Well, that it’s nowhere close to me - isn’t that the point? I like pushing myself out of my comfort zone, and doing things that come easy to me are boring. So, when you see the film, you’ll know, I guess, what I mean. I really enjoyed the challenge of stepping out of my comfort zone. One thing you will notice after looking at the projects I have done so far is that I never repeat myself. I don’t play it safe. I like trying different stuff; some might doubt my choices, but I’m playing a long game and don’t want to be stereotype­d in a particular type of role.

What is your own favorite moment in the movie?

There are many great moments in this film, and that makes it special. I don’t want to spoil it by going into specifics. But all the moments with the friends, including the banter, dancing, partying and songs, are great. So is my job, which is performing the stand-up sets.

What was it like working with Adarsh Gourav and Ananya Panday?

It has been a dream working with them. I think we became good friends in the process. They are so much fun to hang out with on and off set. I think that chemistry has translated onscreen.

This film is about friendship. How much do your close friends mean to you?

A lot! All my friends from college, chartered accountant days and struggles have only ever been supportive and made me feel complete. Whenever I used to feel low after a bad screen test or a rejection, they used to be there for me. From sharing notes in college to sharing memes, they have been so amazing and real. Most important, they keep me grounded. I feel blessed to have them in my life.

Is there one friend that you can always rely on?

I can’t choose just one. Everyone’s got their own qualities and way of being. Some are blunt! Others are sensitive and always know when to be what - they will pick me up in low times and make fun of me on high days. They don’t care much about the stardom. They all treat me as they did before I made it. That’s special and something I really appreciate.

Will you be making a new year resolution?

(Laughs) Yes, I will, just like everyone else does on the spur of the moment, and never ends up following it. I too shall try again this time. I believe in manifestat­ion more than resolution­s, to be honest, and there’s a lot to achieve yet, so fingers crossed.

Your choices have been unpredicta­ble so far. What is the master plan going forward?

You can work hard and do things with the best intentions, but nobody truly knows what is going to happen next. I believe in short-term goals and a long-term vision. The industry dynamics keep shifting every day, so right now I am just going with the flow. I am trying to make good content, while figuring it out along the way.

Do you have a dream role?

Yes, for sure! I want to do the (cricketer) Yuvraj Singh biopic. I’ve been manifestin­g it since I was a kid, and I hope this reaches him.

What inspires you as an actor?

To be able to live so many lives. Also, the empathy, love, my dad’s dream, where I come from, the blessings, the race to be the greatest, the uncertaint­y, exposure, expectatio­ns and challenges. They all inspire me. It’s not the limelight - it’s the brightest light at the end that I’m chasing.

Tell us something about you that not many people know.

That I love writing, playing the guitar and making music. Yes, I might drop a few singles in the coming year - not sure though, but let’s see.

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Siddhant Chaturvedi

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