Garavi Gujarat USA

Hate crimes against Hindus: Lawmakers seek briefing


FIVE Indian American lawmakers have called on the US department of justice (DoJ) and the FBI for a briefing regarding a surge in ‘hate crimes targeting Hindus' and vandalism of temples across the country this year.

In a letter addressed to Kristen Clarke of the DoJ's civil rights division, the lawmakers expressed concern about the attacks, noting that ‘attacks at mandirs from New York to California have contribute­d to increased collective anxiety among Hindu Americans.'

There are five Indian-American lawmakers in the current House of

Representa­tives, and all of them have come together on an issue on a rare occasion. The lawmakers are Raja Krishnamoo­rthi, Ro Khanna, Shri Thanedar, Pramila Jayapal, and Ami Bera.

They pointed out there have been a lack of leads on suspects and urged for federal oversight to ensure equal protection under the law.

‘Leaders from these impacted communitie­s have expressed there are unfortunat­ely ‘no leads' on suspects, leaving many to continue to live in fear and intimidati­on. Our communitie­s remain concerned about law enforcemen­t coordinati­on regarding these bias-motivated crimes, and they are left wondering if there is appropriat­e federal oversight to ensure equal protection under the law,' the letter stated.

Noting that they have observed an alarming increase in incidents of vandalism in houses of worship across the country, including at

Hindu temples, the elected representa­tives requested a briefing on the status of investigat­ions concerning these crimes to better understand existing law enforcemen­t coordinati­on between local agencies, the Federal Bureau of Investigat­ion (FBI), and the civil rights division.

‘It takes relatively few coordinate­d acts of hate to create fear within a community that has often been marginaliz­ed or neglected, and we must work collaborat­ively to combat hate against all religious, ethnic, racial, and cultural minorities in America. We, therefore, request that you provide us with an understand­ing of what the department's strategy is specifical­ly concerning hate crimes targeting Hindus in the United States,' the lawmakers wrote.

 ?? Ro Khanna, Pramila Jayapal, Shri Thanedar, Ami Bera, Raja Krishnamoo­rthi ??
Ro Khanna, Pramila Jayapal, Shri Thanedar, Ami Bera, Raja Krishnamoo­rthi

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