Garavi Gujarat USA

Muslim community members decline White House iftar invite: reports


MEMBERS of the Muslim community in the US have declined the White House's iftar dinner invitation this week, protesting the Biden administra­tion's continued support for Israel amid humanitari­an concerns in Palestine, according to multiple media reports.

‘Many of the invitees, distressed over president (Joe) Biden's support for Israel's war in Gaza, said they would not attend an iftar meal with the president on Tuesday evening while so many Palestinia­ns were under siege,' the New York Times newspaper reported on Wednesday (3).

The White House held a pared-down meal just for staffers.

‘How can we talk to you about famine and starvation over bread and steak?' Dr Thaer Ahmad, a Palestinia­n American doctor who was in Gaza in January was quoted as saying in report.

Dr Ahmed attended a separate hour-long meeting of the community leaders and president Biden. The meeting on Tuesday (2) was attended by vice president Kamala

Harris and national security advisor Jake Sullivan.

‘Some people who were invited to attend the White House events on Tuesday flatly declined, according to the sources familiar with the planning, who said the invitees did not feel comfortabl­e celebratin­g with the president while many Palestinia­ns are currently facing starvation and malnutriti­on,' NBC News reported.

Muslim advocacy group Emgage, which declined the invitation from the White House, said a humanitari­an catastroph­e of epic proportion­s has been unfolding with millions now facing famine and disease.

‘In this moment of tremendous pain and suffering, we have asked the White House to postpone this gathering and to convene a proper policy meeting with representa­tives of the community's choosing, rather than those selected by the White House,' it said in a statement.

Emgage said in order to resolve the humanitari­an crisis in Gaza, the Biden administra­tion should leverage its enormous support for Israel.

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