Garavi Gujarat USA

China may misuse AI to target elections in India and US, warns Microsoft


CHINA is likely to deploy Artificial Intelligen­ce-generated content via social media to sway public opinion to boost its geopolitic­al interests during elections in countries like India, South Korea and the US, tech giant Microsoft has warned.

Voting for 543 Lok Sabha seats in India will take place between 19 April 19 and 1 June, spread across seven phases.

South Koreans will go to the polls in a general election on 10 April while the US will hold the presidenti­al election on 5 November.

‘With major elections taking place around the world this year, particular­ly in India, South Korea and the United States, we assess that China will, at a minimum, create and amplify AI-generated content to benefit its interests,’ Clint Watts, general manager, Microsoft Threat Analysis Center, said in a blog post.

Despite the chances of such content in affecting election results remaining low, China’s increasing experiment­ation in augmenting memes, videos, and audio will likely continue

– and may prove more effective down the line, he said.

China will do it along with North Korea, he wrote.

These are among the Microsoft Threat Intelligen­ce insights in the latest East Asia report published on Wednesday by the Microsoft Threat Analysis Center (MTAC).

China is using fake social media accounts to poll voters on what divides them most to sow division and possibly influence the outcome of the US presidenti­al election in its favour.

China has also increased its use of AI-generated content to further its goals around the world.

North Korea has increased its cryptocurr­ency heists and supply chain attacks to fund and further its military goals and intelligen­ce collection. It has also begun to use AI to make its operations more effective and efficient.

Beijing will celebrate the 75th anniversar­y of the founding of the People’s Republic of China in October, and North Korea will continue to push forward key advanced weapons programs, the report said.

‘Meanwhile, as population­s in India, South Korea, and the United States head to the polls, we are likely to see Chinese cyber and influence actors, and to some extent, North Korean cyber actors, work toward targeting these elections,’ it said.

China will, at a minimum, create and amplify AI-generated content that benefits its positions in these high-profile elections, it said.

‘While Chinese cyber actors have long conducted reconnaiss­ance of US political institutio­ns, we are prepared to see influence actors interact with Americans for engagement and to potentiall­y research perspectiv­es on US politics,’ the report said.

‘Finally, as North Korea embarks upon new government policies and pursues ambitious plans for weapons testing, we can expect increasing­ly sophistica­ted cryptocurr­ency heists and supply chain attacks targeted at the defense sector, serving to both funnel money into the regime and facilitate the developmen­t of new military capabiliti­es,’ it added.

 ?? Former presidents Barack Obama (L) and Bill Clinton (R) cheer for president Joe Biden during a campaign fundraisin­g event at Radio City Music Hall in New York City ??
Former presidents Barack Obama (L) and Bill Clinton (R) cheer for president Joe Biden during a campaign fundraisin­g event at Radio City Music Hall in New York City

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